
TopQuants is a non-profit networking organisation – by quants for quants. TopQuants was initiated in 2011 by quantitative analysts (quants) based in the Netherlands. Since 2015 TopQuants is an association.
The mission of TopQuants is to foster the professional exchange between quants – across organisations and asset classes, with a focus on recent developments in model building and validation, and with due attention for risk-managerial and regulatory aspects.
TopQuants focusses mainly on pricing and risk models for financial derivatives and those aspects of credit and counterparty risk particulary relevant for traded products. TopQuants aims to serve the quants working at banks and quantitative advisory firms, but many TopQuants activities may also be of interest to professional colleagues from pension funds, insurance and other similar financial institutions, as well as to those from the related regulatory authorities and academia.
TopQuants believes that it can help to stimulate such a professional exchange in various ways – at present by holding symposia, organising in-depth college tours for professionals, sponsoring a thesis award, and hosting the TopQuants webpage to disseminate information.
TopQuants is also what you make of it! If you are a quant based in the Netherlands and have some ideas or suggestions, please contact us. We are looking forward to your contributions!
For more information please contact: TopQuants.
Currently the TopQuants board exists of:
Diederik Fokkema (President)
Natasha Ten Cate (Treasurer)
Roger Lord (Secretary)
Our very active members are currently:
Tim Mexner
Matteo Michielon
Jacqueline Schijven