Max Verheijen
Max Verheijen (Cardano)
Practical implications from the changes to €STR and what will happen to Euribor

Max is a Director of Cardano’s Financial Markets division covering structuring, trading, reporting and control activities in financial products for institutional clients. He has over 25 years’ experience in derivatives, both on the sell and buy side.
Before joining Cardano he was vice president at the Interest Rate Derivatives Department of Treasury and Sales at ING Bank Amsterdam.
Max is specialised in regulation of financial markets and documentation, pricing and trading of financial instruments including OTC derivatives (specifically rates, inflation, equity and FX) and cash instruments.
In his presentation, Max will discuss the practical implications of the IBOR and EONIA transition for interest rate risk hedgers like pension funds. What should we do with legacy swap portfolios and how do we transition to instruments with the new benchmarks?